I help consultants increase win rates, grow deal size and shorten sales cycles

I help consultants increase win rates, grow deal size, and shorten sales cycles


One-on-One to Sales Mastery Training

 Increase Your Sales by 20% or More in Six Weeks or Less

Even If You Are an Introvert and Don't like Selling


How It Works


Sales Mastery gives you expert-level, professional sales skills so you can increase sales, shorten sales cycles and increase average deal size. I customize the training to your business, your service, and your clients. Working together, you and I apply expert frameworks, strategies, and methods directly to active deals in your sales funnel.

This is all about skill acquisition and getting results. You are “learning by doing” and applying all of the skills to your active deals. This unprecedented level of expert guidance, customized training, and access makes Sales Mastery so powerful.


On Tuesday morning, I deliver your customized instructions, training materials, and action items. On either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning, you and I connect on a private call. I answer your questions and we apply the strategies and techniques to actual deals in your sales funnel.


Sales Mastery is a custom sales training and coaching program so every training session is personalized to you, your business, and your situation. As such, we don't have a cookie-cutter schedule, and each consultant has their unique content and training. That said, your schedule might include the following elements.

Week 1 Sales Assessment

Sales Assessment

If you want to quickly improve your sales results​, the first thing to do find out where you are losing most of your deals.

Here’s how it works: 

1. Schedule our Call:

After you complete your order, I’ll send you an email with a link to my calendar. You and I will schedule a call a 90-minute call. 

2. Sales Process Deep Dive:

First, we dive deep into your sales process. You and I will have a deep understanding of what it takes for your new buyers to become clients.

3. Sales Call Role Play

Next, we transition to role play. I play the role of your ideal buyer and you walk me through your sales conversation just like you would with a real buyer.

At the end of the sales conversation, I’ll share with you the number one place in the sales conversation you are losing most of your deals AND I’ll immediately show you what to do instead to improve your sales conversations. 

I’ll answer any questions you have and then demonstrate how to implement the strategy in your own sales conversations for your own product, service, or solution.

4. Implement the New Strategies, Tactics, and Techniques

I’ll give you a chance to practice the breakthrough strategy, tactic, or technique and give you pointers for making your delivery more natural and conversational. 

Depending on how much time we have available, I’ll share additional ways to improve your sales approach.

5. Written Report

I’ll follow up with a 1-2 page written report documenting the key points from our call.

Week 2 Discovery


In Week 2, we'll focus on the Discovery Phase of the sales cycle. In Discovery, we Qualify the Opportunity and decide if we can help the buyer achieve an important goal or solve a big problem. We'll cover, Opening the Call, Qualifying the Opportunity, and Solution Linking.

Opening the Call

This step helps the client see you as a peer and valued advisor and not just as a service provider. We use The Four Ways to open any call to establish your sales leadership in the first minute of a call.

Qualify the Opportunity

Qualifying the Opportunity is the “heart of selling.” We go from the uncertainty of chasing after bad deals and unqualified buyers to the certainty that comes from spending your time with your best clients. We discover, uncover, and develop your buyer’s goals and challenges. We Qualify the Opportunity so you know you are working on a real problem or opportunity. We uncover hidden problems, costs, connections, and constraints that are “invisible” to your client.

Master Solution Linking Master

Solution Questions to create the “buying urge” before you introduce your service or solution. Ask questions that directly link your solution to solving the client’s problem or achieving their goal. Get your client to agree to your solution before you ever formally present it.

Week 3 Plan to Win

Plan to win

In Week 3, we focus on the Plan to Win Phase of the sales cycle. The Plan to Win stage includes everything we do before we meet with the buyer that sets us up for success. We'll cover Winning Mindset, Pre-call Planning, and Schedule Agenda.

Winning Mindset

This step helps you go from “Uncertainty” to “Sales Confidence” by adopting the winning mindsets of the world’s most successful consultants.

Pre-call Planning

Pre-call Planning helps the client go from “Winging It” to “Prepared to Win.” Most consultants make the mistake of not spending enough time (if any) on pre-call planning. That is a big reason why they stumble and fumble in their sales calls.

Schedule Agenda

This step helps the consultant and the buyer focus and reach agreement on the most important call objectives to cover. We set the schedule and confirm the meeting in advance to reduce “no shows” and help you and the client stay focused on the most critical objectives.

Week 4 Win


Sales Mastery

In Week 4, we focus on the Win Phase of your sales cycle. In the Win stage, we present our solution, provide proof, and gain the buyer’s commitment to move forward with our service or solution. We'll cover Present the Solution, Proof, and Commitment. 

Present Solution

This step helps you present the right solution to the right people at the right time. In the Present the Solution phase, you show how your solution helps the buyer achieve their goal or solve their problem and answer the buyer’s questions and address their concerns.


Take the buyer from “Doubt” to “Confidence” by demonstrating your capabilities and proving your solution will work for the buyer.


Confidently handle the “money conversation.” Stop discount requests cold and never give “something for nothing.” Ask for and get the buyer’s commitment to move forward with your solution.

Weeks 5 and 6 Sales Mastery

Sales Mastery

In Weeks 5 and 6, you and I will practice and refine your new FOCUS Selling skills. Working together, we will apply your new skills to active deals in your pipeline.

This is where the rubber meets the road and you start to gain confidence and establish your sales leadership. By this time, you are starting to feel good about the way that you sell and the way you communicate with your buyers so they see the real value you bring to the table. 

You are starting to see major improvements in your sales approach and your new FOCUS Selling skills help you get better clients and close bigger deals in less time without using pushy sales tactics.

Who I Can Help

Here's Who I Can Help:

  • You are a consultant, agency owner, or a B2B service provider
  • You are generating leads and having sales calls
  • You are coachable and willing to put in the work needed to succeed
  • You will sell with integrity

Your Investment

Sales Mastery is only $3,000. Most consultants can earn back their investment by making only one or two additional sales.

What to Do Next

If you’ve read this far, you have everything you need to make an investment decision. But you have to take action now because…

This is Truly a Limited Offer, 

Here’s why.

It takes a lot of mental and emotional energy for me to do one-on-one sales training and coaching calls. I am focused on you, your business, and improving your sales conversations so you can get better clients and close bigger deals in less time. I put a lot of effort into your Big Win Sales Mastery Program (as should you).

That’s why I only take on three or four clients at a time. And this is such a hot offer that it usually doesn’t last long before I get fully booked. 

So this isn’t some kind of “fake scarcity.” I have a hard limit, so if you want to take advantage of this amazing offer, I suggest you do it now before someone else grabs your spot. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, and I look forward to working with you.

Rev Vaughn

Founder, Consulting Accelerator and

Creator of the FOCUS Selling System

What to Do Next

If you are ready to move forward, click the "Get Started" button below. If you need more information book a call with me right now. Go here and fill out the contact form to request a call.

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